“Just Because,” a Musical Number to Thaw Your Cold, Amazon-Prime-Loving Heart

A couple of employees at Common Good Books in St. Paul, MN, charm and harmonize (Charmonize? Sure!), inviting us to put down our mice and touchscreens and buy books from someone who will place them right in our hands.

Common Good is great, by the way. The last time I was there I picked up a stack of notebooks (including the one in yesterday’s post!) and a copy of Louis Jenkins’ Winter Road. The store is a four-hour drive from my home, though, and I love streaming episodes of Fringe, so I’ll keep my Prime membership, too.

(Found at the Star Tribune Books Facebook Page.)

Where I Bought Baseball Cards, 40 Years After This

The late Shinder’s Newsstand, Minneapolis, in 1946.

(Found here and here at Old Minneapolis.)

Found Money

A man found $20,000 in a used book. What did folks in the comment thread find?

A flea in a hymn book when I was 7At the back [of an early reprint of Orlando], three pages of notes taken at a women’s book group meeting in London discussing the novel, its themes, language, etc.–in 1930…Infinite wisdom…In a copy of The White Hare by Lilian Bowes Lyon, a handwritten (fountain pen) poem on a sheet of paperIn a 1901 edition of Kipling’s Plain Tales From the Hills, Sir Stafford Cripps bookplate….$AU7 in a book on motor scooters about ten years after we’d gotten rid of one dollar notes…A Metro ticket, it wasn’t interesting at all.

(Found at The Guardian.)

An Awesome Map of Independent Bookstores Across the USA

Dwell has compiled a really terrific map of independent bookstores throughout the United States.

The pegs on the map “highlight the kinds of places where you might roam for hours, scouring the shelves and scouting the stacks…thrilled by the prospect of discovering obscure out-of-prints, rare editions and favorite second-hand paperbacks.”

It’s an ongoing project, growing as readers submit info about booksellers in their communities. Many readers have also submitted helpful descriptions and reviews of the stores, too, that are posted with links to the stores’ websites under the map.

Check out the map, maybe for places stop for a break as you hit the road to visit family this weekend!

“Censorship, like charity, should begin at home; but unlike charity, it should end there.” –Claire Boothe Luce

Click to visit the original post

(Photo found at biblioklept, and the quote on a t-shirt I used to own. Or at Goodreads.)

Bookmark Tables, by Pawel Grobelny

About these, Mr. Grobelny says:

It is a collection of small tables, powder coated steel (white, black and yellow). Can be used as a bedside table or coffee table. The construction is very simple and strong. The internal structural wall separates the two spaces for the books (small version of bookmarks) or magazines (large version of bookmarks). The special notch acts as a bookmark – to put down the book before going to sleep.


(Found at muuuz.)

Top Ten Bookstore Pickup Lines


(Found at Shelf Life.)